Sunday, September 1, 2019

EP 1 - Kate Challenges Stefan


Created By: Ted & Betty Corday
Written By: Mike Larry
Written By: Casey Hutchison


Note: This episode leaves off from the televised
episode of Friday, August 30th, 2019.

Julie and Gabi hurridley enter the main floor area of the hospital as soon as the elevator doors ding open. Julie is in a wheelchair and Gabi is pushing her. 

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GABI: We need a doctor!

Kayla, who is standing at the nurses’ station turns around and notices Gabi and Julie. She  rushes up to them and bends down to Julie’s level.

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KAYLA: Oh my god. Julie, what’s going on?

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GABI: I think she had a heart attack in the park and collapsed.

KAYLA: We need to get you admitted right away. Julie, are you still in pain?

JULIE: Yes. It hurts. It hurts everywhere.

KAYLA: I’ll take it from here.

Kayla replaces Gabi as the pusher of the wheelchair. Kayla wheels Julie off to an examination room. A nurse follows Kayla off to the hospital room. As Gabi lets out a sigh, the elevator doors ding open again and Eli, Lani, and Doug step off. They go to Gabi immediately.

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ELI: Gabi, what happened?

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LANI: Your text was awfully cryptic.

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DOUG: Is my wife okay?

GABI: Guys, I...I don’t know. We were in the park. She rushed after me. She said she had something important to tell me. We got into it as we do. And, she collapsed.

DOUG: Oh my god. Oh…

LANI: It’s okay, Doug. Calm down. Where is she?

GABI: Kayla took her. It looks like she had a heart attack.

The camera pans over to a worried Doug who is on the verge of crying.

Jennifer, Jack, and Eric walk up to a double door suite.

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JENNIFER: So, this was the address that Kristen gave to you?

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JACK: Yes.

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ERIC: Nicole and Holly should be right through that door.

JACK: If Kristen wants her immunity deal to continue to be in check, they better be. And, Rolf better be through that door with them.

Jennifer slightly puts her ear up to the door.

JENNIFER: Shh. I think I hear something.

ERIC: Is it Nicole?

JENNIFER: I’m not sure. We better go in.

JACK: We can’t just go in without a plan, Jennifer.

JENNIFER: Jack, I know what I’m doing.

JACK: Don’t open that door.

JENNIFER: If we don’t, Rolf, Nicole, and Holly could all escape. Rolf could force them out of a window or something.

JACK: We’re on the seventh floor. I think they’re staying put.

ERIC: Will somebody just open the door?


JENNIFER: Oh, screw it.

Jennifer opens the door. She barges in. Eric and Jack follow.


Upon entering the suite, Jennifer, Jack, and Eric are shocked at what they see. Dr. Wilhelm Rolf turns around to face all three of them.

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DR. ROLF: Well, well, well, I’ve waited for all of you. Nice to see you again.

Dr. Rolf smiles mischievously at them.

John and Marlena are sitting on the couch. They are looking through some vacation sites on Marlena’s laptop, that is sitting on the table in front of them.

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MARLENA: I’m so happy that we have decided to take a vacation together. Since that whole Kristen debacle at our anniversary party happened, I have been very eager to get away from all the stress and the madness.

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JOHN: Me too, Doc. We have not been on a vacation in a very long time. I think it’ll be good for us to leave town for a couple of days. We could even go and see Paul.

MARLENA: I would like that. I miss him very much.

JOHN: I know it probably isn’t easy for you to think something like that.

MARLENA: What makes you convey that?

JOHN: After all that happened between he and Will…

MARLENA: Darling, Will is a very capable adult. Whatever tribulations he and Paul endured through is their business. He is your son. He’s my step-son. I love him. He is an amazing human being. And, (smiling) I would love to go and see him.

JOHN: How did I get so lucky to have someone with a heart as big as yours?

MARLENA: It’s destiny.

JOHN: Yes it is.

Marlena lets out a little laugh. Then, she and John kiss.

Stefan is still holding Kate at gunpoint.

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STEFAN: You used my mother’s own gun to take her out.

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KATE: Put the gun down, Stefan. (She says calmly) You wouldn’t want to hurt yourself.

STEFAN: You’re right. I wouldn’t. All I want to do is to avenge my mother.

KATE: That’s cute. It really is. I’m sure she is smiling up at you from the fiery gates of Hell. You’re such a golden boy when it comes to her.

STEFAN: Now is not the time to piss me off, bitch.

KATE: Wow! Okay! We’re done here.

STEFAN: Are you getting nervous, Kate? Afraid I might pull the trigger?

Kate walks up to Stefan to the point where the gun is pressed against her chest.

KATE: Go ahead. Do it! I dare ‘ya. Your just as looney as your mother ever was!

Back at Salem University Hospital, Gabi, Eli, Lani, and Doug motion over to the waiting area by the Nurses’ station. Lani and Doug sit next to one another. Lani puts her arms around him.

DOUG: She’s been in there for a long time. I just want to hear something from Kayla. When do you think we’ll hear something?

LANI: Doug, it’s okay. Kayla probably has to run a lot of tests.

DOUG: I’m just so worried.

LANI: I know you are. I am too. But, right now, we just need to think good thoughts and maybe some prayer should be involved in those thoughts. Would you like to go to the chapel with me?

DOUG: I think that’s a good idea.

Lani and Doug stand.

DOUG: Eli…

ELI: If I hear anything, I’ll let you know.

DOUG: Thank you.

Doug and Lani walk off to the chapel.

GABI: Eli, I’m so sorry about all of this. But, I do have to get back home. Arianna will be back from her playdate at any moment.

ELI: I’m sure someone else can watch her for now. We need to have a talk.

GABI: Okay. I’m sure Stefan can watch her for a bit. What’s up?

ELI: What happened at the park, Gabi? Why did Julie collapse?

GABI: I told you already. We got into it.

ELI: About?

GABI: (sighs) It all started when we bumped into one another at Horton Square. She said she wanted to talk to me about something important. However, I didn’t want to hear what she had to say. I walked off and she ran after me. She literally chased me down like a lunatic. As old as she is, I’m  surprised she could keep up. Finally, in the park we had a little talk.

ELI: Then what?

GABI: I told her that I didn’t care what she had to say.

ELI: You didn’t say anything else to her?

GABI: There was one more thing that I said in the heat of the moment.

ELI: What did you say?

GABI: Eli…

ELI: Gabi, dammit! What did you say?!

GABI: (choked) I said, “drop dead, you racist ass.”

ELI: What the hell is wrong with you?!

GABI: Oh, come on! Julie despises me! And, she has called me racist name after racist name for months upon months now. What else was I supposed to think?

ELI: Gabi, earlier tonight, Lani and I had a conversation with my grandmother about her racist tendencies. She wanted to apologize to you for all of that. She was recognizing her fault. She was willing to go and change them. She was willing to make amends. Instead of letting her grow, you wished death upon her. If my grandmother dies, you might as well hold yourself responsible.

GABI: That’s not fair, Eli.

ELI: Like hell!

GABI: But…

ELI: (Interjecting)Just leave! You obviously don’t care if she lives or dies. Get out of here, Gabi! Now! Before I say something that I regret.

Gabi takes a deep breath and heads for the elevators. As she does, Kayla walks over to Eli. She takes off her reading glasses and clips them to her blouse.

KAYLA: Hi, Eli.

ELI: Kayla, hi.

KAYLA: I would’ve come over here sooner, but it looked like you and Gabi were involved in a heated discussion. Is everything okay?

ELI: Everything’s fine now that she’s gone. How’s my grandmother?

KAYLA: I think that we should sit down.

ELI: Kayla, please. The suspense is killing me. Just tell me the truth.

KAYLA: Okay. Your grandmother did have a heart attack. That was very apparent from the moment she came in. As we ran some tests, especially when we did an ultrasound,  more things of concern became apparent as well.

ELI: What ‘things’?

KAYLA: Julie’s arteries are blocked to the point where normal procedures that are put in place for treating a heart attack are no longer available to her.

ELI: What does that mean?

KAYLA: It means that her condition has become far more serious than one would’ve thought. Julie needs a new heart, Eli. And, she needs one ASAP.

Back at the DiMera Mansion, in the Living Room, Kate and Stefan stare deeply into one another’s eyes. Both are more serious than they have ever been.

KATE: Come on, Stefan. Pull the trigger. I don’t have all day.

STEFAN: You really want me to kill you right now?

KATE: It gives me an excuse to not have to go to those stuffy wall to wall business meetings next week. Plus, you get what you want. You can have the CEO position at DiMera. With me out of the running, I’m sure Shin will appoint you. That is, of course, if you’re not arrested for murder first.

STEFAN: You got away with it. Why can’t I?

KATE: What I did was self defense.

STEFAN: That’s what you’re calling it? You’re delusional. You even kept this gun as some prize. As I play the details over and over again in my head, it makes me more upset with you. It’s time to eliminate you. You can pay for your crime in Hell!

KATE: Right next to your mother...fitting. I’ll have to bring a cooling fan won’t I?

STEFAN: Goodbye, Kate.

Stefan pulls the trigger. But, the gun doesn’t fire. Kate laughs and takes the gun out of Stefan’s right hand. A confused Stefan backs away.

KATE: Oh, honey, the thing was never loaded. You have a lot to learn about who you’re dealing with a woman like me. Get some rest! We have a busy week ahead of us.

Kate walks off. Stefan’s heart is beating heavily, as he looks over at his mother’s photograph on the fireplace mantle. He walks over to the photo.

STEFAN: I promise you that I will get revenge.

Jennifer closes the door to the suite. Eric and Jack walk up to Rolf.

ROLF: How was your trip here? Did all three of you carpool? You know, on your way back, I recommend getting some deep dish pizza from this venue down the street from here.

ERIC: Shut up, Rolf.

ROLF: You three really want to get down to business quickly.

ERIC: Damn right! For months, we have all thought that Holly and Nicole were dead. Kristen, however, says that they’re alive. Better yet, she says that they’re in your care right here.

ROLF: Kristen filled me in on why you were coming here to Chicago. I know everything, Eric. And, yes, Holly and Nicole are under my care.

ERIC: Then, where are they?

ROLF: I regret to inform you that they are not here.

JACK: Really? What’s their location? Kristen was granted immunity. A condition of that immunity deal is that we see Holly and Nicole alive.

ROLF: Another condition is that I also make another serum to bring your memories back. When I said that Kristen told me everything, I meant everything.

JENNIFER: Rolf, we’ll get to the rest later. What matters right now is that you tell us where Holly and Nicole are. Tell us right now.

ROLF: There is an apartment building two blocks from here. It’s on the corner of 3rd and 4th street. Holly and Nicole live in apartment 5B.

ERIC: They’ve been in an apartment this whole time? Why couldn’t they just escape and come back to Salem? I don’t understand.

ROLF: Their apartment is heavily guarded. It’s on a floor that hasn’t even been finished yet. A floor no one has access to. Additionally, there’s wonderful surveillance on them.

ERIC: I see. Well, let’s go.

ROLF: Not so fast. The moment you step out of this room, I’m gone. For good. Don’t you want my extra copy of my serum notes?

JACK: Of course we do.

JENNIFER: We’re not stupid, Rolf. What’s your price?

ROLF: Why, Miss Horton, I thought you would never ask. All I want in exchange for the serum notes is fifty million dollars.

JENNIFER: That’s insane. We can’t get you that amount of money.

JACK: Yes, we can.

JENNIFER: Excuse me? How do you have something like that handled?

JACK: I just do. I can get you the money, Rolf. No problem. Let’s do this deal. And, put an end to this madness. Right here. Right now.

A very pleased Rolf smiles at Jack.

John is still sitting on the couch. Marlena is on her phone. As her phone makes a beeping sound, she clicks it off. She turns around and goes back over to John.

MARLENA: Well, the tickets for the flight are booked. We can leave to see Paul in two days. I’m so enthusiastic about this whole thing.

JOHN: Me too. This is going to be a lot of fun.

MARLENA: Yes, it will be.

Just as Marlena is about to sit down next to John, there’s a knock at the door.

MARLENA: Oh, I wonder who that could be at this hour.

JOHN: I don’t know. Were you expecting someone?

MARLENA: No, not at all.

Marlena walks over to the door. John follows. Upon opening the door, Marlena and John are very shocked at who they see.

JOHN: Oh my gosh.

MARLENA: I can’t believe it’s you.

The camera pans over to the person at John and Marlena’s door. The person is revealed to be Paul Nartia, who is still in a wheelchair!

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PAUL: Hello, Marlena. Hello, dad.

JOHN: (smiling) Paul, what are you doing in Salem?

PAUL: Isn’t it obvious? I’m home.

The camera zooms in on Paul.

***FADE OUT***

***END OF EP. 1***

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